Pricing and Costing of Yoga Programmes
Yoga Practise Skandakumar Kumarasingam Yoga Practise Skandakumar Kumarasingam

Pricing and Costing of Yoga Programmes

Are you looking for a yoga class near you? A beginner yoga program perhaps? How do you compare the cost of various programs and know if yoga studios near you are charging reasonably for their classes? How can you reduce your cost?Read to find out

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Yoga for Beginners- 9 Reasons Why You Should Avoid a Yoga Studio
Yoga Practise Skandakumar Kumarasingam Yoga Practise Skandakumar Kumarasingam

Yoga for Beginners- 9 Reasons Why You Should Avoid a Yoga Studio

Are you still going to the yoga studio and continuing your practise with a group? Here’s why it is hurting your health and wellbeing and here’s what you can do about it.

According to ancient yoga tradition, yoga is a personal journey which one should practise with self-awareness and great degree of self-reflection. Unfortunately, this requires the person who is undertaking the practise to do this by himself in a place that is devoid of other humans and distractions. Hence this should be a place of almost total silence and the practitioner should be by himself. Furthermore, the practising environment should be clean and promote good health and inner radiance.

Unfortunately, today's modern yoga studios and certain gymnasiums that offer yoga in their timetables and schedules have no way of incorporating this basic and fundamental requirement for a successful yoga practise.

Hence it becomes important that a person undertaking yoga should learn the basics of performing the postures, breathing techniques and meditation techniques correctly and then move as quickly as possible to practising on their own. In another article I will discuss the ideal places to practise yoga.

Here I will discuss the key reasons why you should avoid practising yoga in a studio. Online maybe better, in some ways but have their major drawbacks.

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