How to Do Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Correctly?

Garudasana or the Eagle Pose is an advanced balancing pose in yoga. Here we discuss how to do it step by step, how long we should hold the pose, on what part of the pose or process we should keep our awareness and the benefits of doing the pose.

How to Do Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Correctly? The Technique to Do Garudasana or the Eagle pose

1.Assume a standing position.

2. Raise the right leg and twist it around the left leg.

3. The right thigh should eventually lie in front of the left thigh and the right foot should rest on the calf of the left leg.

4. Now fold the arms at the elbows and twist the right arm around the left arm until the palms can be placed together to resemble an eagle’s beak.

5. Bend the left leg and lower the body until the right toe touches the floor.

How Long Should You Do or Hold Garudasana? The Duration of Garudasana

For as long as possible without strain.

What Should You Concentrate on During Garudasana?

On a visible point and balance.

What are the Benefits of Garudasana?

1. Strengthens the muscles, tones the nerves and loosens the bone joints in the legs.

2. Helps to relieve sciatica and rheumatism in the legs and arms.

3. Eliminates hydrocele and develops balance.


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